Boil congee in gas to thicken the soup pot household gas mass base with boiled dumplings and durable stainless steel hotel
product parameters:
- product name: male, 160656091608583
- models: 160656091608583
- material: stainless steel 201
- origin: China
- 颜色分类: 45x45 加厚201内胆 45x45 加厚304内胆 50x50加厚201内胆 50x50加厚304内胆 60x60 加厚201内胆 60x60加厚304内胆 70x60 加厚201内胆 70x60加厚304内胆 80x60 加厚201内胆 80x60 加厚304内胆 100x60 加厚201内胆 100x60 加厚304内胆 豪华工程款45*45 豪华工程款50*50 豪华工程款60*60 豪华工程款70*60 豪华工程款80*60 豪华工程款100*60 40x40加厚201内胆 40x40加厚304内胆 可以定做任意尺寸,任意形状 电热卤肉锅专拍
- diameter: 45 cm
- : kitchen burning gas is
- bottom of the pot type: three layer composite bottom
- packing volume: *
45 cm
var desc='
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