Plate ceramics sitting room sat dish furnishing articles decorations household act the role ofing is tasted hotel office decoration housewarming gift
product parameters:
- appearance modelling: other
- color classification: years of yuqing grail + years yuqing grail + leading aircraft's well-off grail + general well-off grail + leading aircraft
- material: ceramic
- article number: bj0320
- apply space: living room
- style: modern Chinese style
- function: marriage
- furnishing articles types: desktop furnishing articles
品 名【粉彩盘】货 号 CP0300 产 地江西·景德镇瓷 质陶瓷工 艺高温烧制等 级一级品规 格裸盘直径35CM,带普通支架高37CM,带龙头架高为41CM配 件裸盘配普通支架,龙架需另买产品特色画面经1380度高温烧制,不掉色,不褪色。可水洗。特色定制承接企事业单位礼品瓷、节日纪念瓷,可在瓷盘底部加印LOGO、赠语。也可来图来样重新定制。出品公司景德镇大展陶瓷有限公司