Eat edge ark, multi - function contracted the assembly wood cabinet easy to receive the kitchen cabinet store content ark cupboard tea tank
product parameters:
- models: joined - qweqw
- material: man-made board
- types of man-made board, density board/fiberboard
- style: European style
- 颜色分类: 万向轮-带锁三抽暖白色(木抽) 万向轮-带锁三抽原木色(木抽) 万向轮-带锁三抽蓝松色(木抽) 实木腿-三抽蓝松色(布抽) 实木腿-三抽樱桃木色(布抽) 实木腿-三抽原木色(布抽) 实木腿-三抽暖白色(布抽) 微波炉置物柜-暖白色 微波炉置物柜-蓝松加白色 微波炉置物柜-仿实木加白色 实木腿-双门暖白色 A-蓝+白 B-蓝+白 A-白+仿实木色 B-白+仿实木色 A-纯白 B-纯白 实木腿+一门一抽款仿实木加白色 实木腿+一门一抽款蓝加白色 实木腿+一门一抽款仿实木色 实木腿+一门一抽款蓝松色 田字格仿实木色 樱桃木色双层
- whether can be customized: no
- number of door: a single
- additional functions: storage
- number of drawer: 0
- furniture structure: framework
- origin: jiangsu province
- cities: xuzhou
- whether assembly: assembly
- packing size: 0.1 m after
- could you booking: no
- taxi whether can transport: is
- design elements: master design
- design positioning: economical
- installation instructions for details: provide installation manual to provide installation instructions provide simple video installation tool