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Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting | Buy jingdezhen porcelain and ceramics
Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting

Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting

  • Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting
  • Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting
  • Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting
  • Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting
  • Johnny TaoGe meaty plant equipment of planting

product parameters:

  • 颜色分类: 彩色陶粒(约260ml) 绿沸石(约260ml) 颗粒泥炭(约260ml) 硅藻(约260ml) 稻壳炭(约260ml) 虹彩石(约260ml) 火山岩(约260ml) 赤玉(约260ml) 蛭石(约260ml) 珍珠岩(约1000ml) 六合一多肉泥(约1000ml) 骨粉(一瓶约150G) 小铲子三件套 白色挤水壶-A(250ML) 纱网一份5张(长约10厘米左右) 起苗器(绿色) 吹尘器(颜色随机,以实物为准) 地垫(红色) 筒形铲土器(绿色) SH-C(200ML) 土铲勺(褐色) 弯嘴镊子 多肉刷子原(长约13CM) 十合一多肉泥(约1000ml)
  • article number: flower fertilizer

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