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Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls | Buy jingdezhen porcelain and ceramics
Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls

Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls

  • Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls
  • Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls
  • Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls
  • Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls
  • Both of the people 's livelihood cixin qiu - yun Chinese free collocation with household single ceramic eat noodles bowl of soup bowl rice bowls

product parameters:

  • material: new bone China
  • pattern: plant flowers
  • style: Chinese style
  • origin: China
  • popular element: the wind restoring ancient ways
  • bowl diameter: 4.5 inches
  • Cixin qiu - yun

  • color classification: cixin qiu - yun 3.6 in admiralty cixin qiu - yun bowl 4.35 "admiralty cixin qiu - yun 4.5 -inch excessive penetration bowl cixin qiu - yun (diameter 11.4 cm) 4.5 inches tall bowl cixin qiu - yun 4.5 inches Korean cixin qiu - yun cixin qiu - yun bowl edge 4.5 inch bowl 4.5 inches square bowl cixin qiu - yun 4.5 inches cixin qiu - yun rainbow noodle bowl 5 inches excessive penetration rainbow noodle bowl bowl cixin qiu - yun 5 inch cixin qiu - yun cixin qiu - yun admiralty 5 inch bowl edge 5.5 inch bowl cixin qiu - yun cixin qiu - yun rainbow noodle bowl 6 inches 5.5 inch cixin qiu - yun rainbow noodle bowl 6 inches edge bowl cixin qiu - yun 7 inches edge bowl cixin qiu - yun 7 inches cixin qiu - yun dou bowl 7 inches cixin qiu - yun cixin qiu - yun rainbow noodle bowl edge 8 inch bowl eight inches cixin qiu - yun dou bowl eight inches cixin qiu - yun rainbow noodle bowl 8.25" product cixin qiu - yun pan edge 5 inch bowl
  • price range: 30 yuan to 49.9 yuan
  • article number: QY1601
  • main photo source: independent film figure
  • number: 1
  • tea utensils craft: glair
  • applicable people: public

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