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To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup | Buy jingdezhen porcelain and ceramics
To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup

To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup

To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup

product parameters:

  • material: ceramic
  • capacity: 50 ml and below
  • style: Chinese style
  • origin: China
  • color classification: serving the people leading dedicated chairman said I handsome labor glorious new everything for the wife to wife eat bitter calculate what don't be too have a type of drink everyday really happy in a single point force bread-winners beautiful Grosvenor LTD handsome paragraph no words to serve the people - the red flag to serve the people - red star I want to raise yourself to a fresh flowers realistic talk about heroes a single spark can start a prairie fire vast heaven and earth is as hard work and plain living does not support custom/don't take this option
  • price range: 9.9 yuan
  • item no: 157781013110914

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To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup


材质 陶瓷;容量 401mL(含)-500mL(含);风格 中式;产地 中国大陆;流行元素 复古风;颜色分类 白色,乳白色,为人民服务,领导专用,主席说我帅,劳动光荣新款,一切为了老婆,为老婆吃点苦算啥,做人不能太有型,天天喝真快乐,给点力,至今单身,挣钱养家貌美如花,高富帅,无字款,为人民服务-红旗,为人民服务-红星,我要加工资,自己动手丰衣足食,百花齐放推陈出新,实事求是,数风流人物,星星之火可以燎原,广阔天地大有作为,艰苦朴素,大海航行靠舵手;价格区间 10元-19.9元;主图来源 自主实拍图;适用对象 成人;适用人群 大众;是否手工 否To serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cupTo serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cupTo serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cupTo serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cupTo serve the people cup tea urn nostalgic old revolutionary cup cup led dedicated imitation enamel cup


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